
Showing posts from May, 2021


  The Importance of Global COVID-19 Vaccination Since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the  COVID-19  outbreak a pandemic back in March 2020, the virus has claimed more than 2.5 million lives globally with upwards of 113 million cases being confirmed by laboratory tests (March 2021). The pandemic has impacted almost every corner of life, causing global economies to stall, changing the way we work and interact with our loved ones, and stretching healthcare systems to the limit. Governments around the world have been forced to implement harsh restrictions on human activity to curb the spread of the virus. COVID-19 vaccination is now offering a way to transition out of this phase of the pandemic. Without them, many scientists believe that  natural herd immunity would not have been sufficient  to restore society to its normal status quo and that it would have resulted in extreme fatality. This is something that has been echoed by many health organization...


  How can I prevent getting the novel coronavirus (COVID-19)? Right now, the best defense to prevent getting COVID-19 is to follow some of the same steps you would take to prevent getting other viruses, such as the common cold or the flu.                                       Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds— especially before eating and preparing food, after using the bathroom, after wiping your nose, and after coming in contact with someone who has a cold.                                                                                   Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth to prevent the spread of viruses from your hands.              ...


 Treatment for covid-19 Most people who become ill with COVID-19 will be able to recover at home. Some of the same things you do to feel better if you have the flu — getting enough rest, staying well hydrated, and taking medications to relieve fever and aches and pains — also help with COVID-19. Beyond that, the FDA has also authorized treatments that may be used for people who have been hospitalized with COVID-19 and other medications to curb the progression of COVID-19 in people who are not hospitalized but who are at risk for developing severe illness. Scientists continue working hard to develop other effective treatments. What therapies might help people with severe COVID-19 prior to hospitalization? In November 2020, the FDA granted emergency use authorization to two monoclonal antibody treatments (bamlanivimab, made by Eli Lilly; and a combination of casirivimab and imdevimab, made by Regeneron). Both treatments have been approved for non-hospitalized adults and children over...


 Effects Of Covid-19  How It Spreads Usually the virus makes contact with you when a nearby infected person sends droplets into the air by coughing, sneezing, or talking. It spreads easily between people within about 6 feet of each other. An infected person can spread these droplets, even if they don’t feel sick. The virus may infect you after you touch an object, like a doorknob, that has the virus on it.  But that's not as common. Upper Respiratory Infections Once the virus enters the body, it usually settles in the cells that line your nose, sinus cavity, and throat. For most people, this is where it stays. Symptoms often follow, but you may not feel anything for up to 2 weeks, as the virus starts to invade healthy cells and reproduce. You can transmit it to others even if you don't show any symptoms. Lower Respiratory Infection If your immune system can’t subdue COVID-19 in the first week or so, the virus may move down into your lungs. There, it attacks cells that lin...


 Watch for symptoms People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus.  People with these symptoms may have COVID-19:    • Fever or chills    • Cough    • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing    • Fatigue    • Muscle or body aches    • Headache    • New loss of taste or smell    • Sore throat    • Congestion or runny nose    • Nausea or vomiting    • Diarrhea This list only include common symptoms of COVID-19. When to seek emergency medical attention Look for emergency warning signs for COVID-19. If someone is showing any of these signs, seek emergency medical care immediately: Trouble breathing Persistent pain or pressure in the chest New confusion Inability to wake or stay awake Pale, gray, or blue-colored skin, lips, or nail beds, depending ...


History of covid-19   Corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19), also known as the corona virus, or COVID, is a contagious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus 2. The first known case was identified in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. The disease has since spread worldwide, leading to an ongoing pandemic. Coronaviruses are a large family of zoonotic viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to severe respiratory diseases. Zoonotic means these viruses are able to be transmitted from animals to humans. These viruses contain spike-like projections of glycoproteins on their surface, which appear like a crown under the electron microscope; hence, they are referred to as coronaviruses. The coronavirus genome encodes several structural and nonstructural proteins.